Online Classes
Our highly skilled Teachers seeds tomorrow's Leadership
Skilled Teachers
In our school we have proper skilled teachers.
Home Projects
We provide home projects to our students.
Book Library
We have well equippied library for our students.
Edith Douglas School, was established in the year 1977 in the heart of Mariani town to impart English education and moral values to the children of the locality. The Schon runs class LKG-XII. The School is recognised by the Secondary by the Secondary Board of Assam. Till now 26 (twenty six) batches Consisting of around 2000 (two thousand) students have gone out of this esteemed institution with flying colours and many of them serve the society in various level. The School was upgraded to Higher Secondary in the year 2007. Five batchs (Arts) has already appeared for the Board's Exam. We have obtained cent persent result every year. We are happy to welcome you too share the pride and honour with us.
The school aims at giving a through education and sound moral training to the pupils though curricular and co- curricular activities. As it is a Christian School morning prayers are according to the Christian usage. Scripture study is compulsory for Christian Students. Moral instruction will be an integral part of the curriculum. The medium of instruction is English. Assamese and Hindi have a vital role in the curriculum The school is co-educational Computer education & Audio vshal education is compulsory to all the students.
State of Art Infrastructure
We believe a desirable place for students to study, improves student interest in learning.
Great Curriculum
A structured curriculum allows willing students to gain a broad and liberal education in the humanities.
Individual Focus
Teachers pay individual focus which helps us align on real needs and pain points with all our Students.
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Our Address
Mariani, Assam 785634, West Bengal
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